Wildlife Pond & Bog garden collections

(N) Indicates plants native to the UK.
(W) Indicates plants that attract the wild life.

Unlike our Pond plant collections, and with the exception of the Lifepond option, these collections are not designed to provide a complete balanced selection of plants to establish a new pond, but rather are smaller collections tailored to appeal particularly to various types of wildlife.

Each collection comprises around 10 plants, mainly or wholly based on British native plants, so for anything other than a small pond or additional planting in a larger pond it may be that more than 1 collection would be needed to provide a good planting density. Plants are supplied in 9cm pots or bare root as appropriate.

Leaving the final selection to us helps us manage our plant stocks and in return we can select the best plants in the nursery at a price that represents a good saving on the individual plant prices. Where appropriate collections can be ordered as plants only, as plants with aquatic baskets, or plants with baskets soil and gravel so you have everything you need.

Orders received today will be dispatched during w/c 7 May 2024

Our standard courier service is next day (apart from the Scottish Highlands and Islands).  The above dispatch date is for new orders: for existing orders dispatch dates are in line with the guidance given on our home page and this pop-up at time of order.  If you did not notice this please email us at accounts@puddleplants.co.uk and we'll give you an estimated dispatch date.  Thanks for your patience.

If you just want to order items from our "Pond Products" page (i.e no plants) these can be dispatched within 48 hours as these do not need the same level of prep as our pampered plants!

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